Completing the Jewish life cycle in Knox County, Ohio
Enjoy these snapshots of Jewish community life over the years.
Downtown Mount Vernon, Ohio, looking down South Main Street from the Public Square, early 1870s. Adolph Wolff's Clothing Store dominates the corner.
Aaron M. Stadler, Mount Vernon, Ohio, clothier from 1877 to 1905. Photo in The Republican, 1896.
Broadcast pioneer, radio station owner, and philanthropist Helen Zelkowitz of Mount Vernon, ca. 1950s.
Kenyon’s first Jewish professor Eugen Kullmann holding class outdoors, ca. 1970s.
Kenyon Hillel Rabbi Lenny Gordon conducts services at Weaver Cottage, ca. early 1980s.
Kenyon’s Torah, donated by Kenyon trustee Deborah Salzburg and her husband Michael in 2007.
Gambier resident Audrey Fenigstein, Ark designer and builder, reads a statement at the Ark dedication ceremony, December 23, 2007. Hillel director Marc Bragin looks on.
People gathering at the cemetery site following the consecration ceremony, October 24, 2013.
Placing a mezuzah during the dedication of the Rothenberg Hillel house on October 24, 2014.
Kenyon trustee Alan Rothenberg speaking at the ceremony dedicating the Rothenberg Hillel House at Kenyon College, October 24, 2014.
Kenyon College Hillel director Marc Bragin celebrates Sukkot with students and community members.
Kenyon students hanging out at a Hillel event.
Kenyon Hillel's Torah reading table, designed and built by Audrey Fenigstein
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a
heart of wisdom
לִמְנֹ֣ות יָ֭מֵינוּ כֵּ֣ן הֹודַ֑ע וְ֝נָבִ֗א לְבַ֣ב חָכְמָֽה
— Psalm 90:12